Bulk Ingredients │ Formulation │ Contract Manufacturing

What is Prebiotics ?

Prebiotics are substances that induce the growth or activity of probiotics, include oligosaccharides and
dietary fibers.

New system for health: Probiogenics = Probiotics + Prebiotics + Biogenics │ Probiogenics >>>>> Synbiotics

Prebiotics Ingredients



LactOligo™ ( lactosucrose ) is a nondigestible functional trisaccharide generated rom he ucrose contained in sugar cane and the lactose contained in milk by utilizing enzymatic reactions. Lactosucrose is the best-selling oligosaccharide in the Japanese market and gains the most Food for Specified Health Use ( FOSHU ) certificates because it has excellent intestinal regulation properties. Moreover, it improves the intestinal calcium absorption of minerals.




omniOligo® is formulated by nutritional experts tailored to various intestinal microflora. This ideal formula is consisted of 6 oligosaccharides listed in Japanese Food for Specified Health Uses ( FOSHU ), namely lactosucrose, galacto-oligo, xylooligosaccharides, fructooligosaccharides, isomalto-oligo, and soybean oligosaccharides. The benefit of this product is promoting the optimal synergistic effect to enhance intestinal health.

Plant Enzyme

Origin:Liquid from Brazil
Origin:Powder from Japan

An exclusive blend of whole foods in our Fermented Superfood Complex is called BraziZyme®. The founder of Macrobiotics, Mr.Kushi developed it as a complete nutritional complex composed entirely of fermented foods, containing over 80 types of the world's healthiest plants and foods that are bursting with natural enzymes and nutrients to promote energy and vitality. These are combined and fermented using natural yeast, local probiotic bacteria and the miraculous water from the natural springs in southern Brazil. The result is a totally unique, all- natural fermented food formula that concentrates all of the Kushi Macrobiotic principles into one convenient supplement for total health and wellness.

Noni Enzyme
(Containing SOD-like)



The natural SOD-like enzyme is included in morinda citrifolia, and the activity of SOD is verified by the third labs to perform the credibility.